OUR TIMELINEHow Does A Usual Day
go at Avey Lane Boarding Kennels

Routines are vital to our friends while they are staying with us, and for some more than others. We want to try to replicate your friends usual day as far as possible so please let us know what a usual day consists of. But as an example of our usual day we have a timeline below.


08:00 AM

Starting the day

We like to start the day at a regular time with our friends that are staying with us, and at this time we like to start the day with a little hello and check to see if everyone is happy. 

08:30 AM

Pre-measured meals

Breakfast time is always lively at Avey Lane Boarding Kennels, and this our time to not only start the day right but also to make a bit of a fuss of our friends as well. If your furry family member / friend has a set diet or perhaps tailored feeding patterns then please let us know as we want to make sure that our care is what friends like, want or need.

08:00 – 10:00 AM

Playing with favourite toys

A favourite toys and common loved items are key in help our friends relax and feel at home while they are with us. We all like our favourite items around us to help us to relax and our four legged furry friends are no different.  If your family member / friend has a set routine and likes a bit more exercise then please let us know as we can always help to make sure our care is what friends need or want.

9:00 – 11:00 AM

Exercise, Play and Tidy Up

Once breakfast is finished, and digestion has had a little time to work then its up and out we go for a walk and playtime outside in the paddock.  We have sole use of this this amazing space and it is perfect for that great part of the day where we get to spend one on one time with our friends. Toys again here are great, so if you have any please bring them along.  


11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Lunch and relax a bit

After a good walk, play or run its time to have a bit of a lay down, its a hard life being a dog you know and we always want for our friends to have not only a fun time but also a chance to relax while they are with us. For some this is also time for a cheeky lunchtime snack.  

12:30 – 6:00 PM

Flexible time slot

This time is to allow for the new arrival of friends, or perhaps tours, or may be a little extra fun, cuddles or exercise. 


6:00 – 7:30 PM

Time for excercises

Time for time outside again in the paddock, a chilled walk, a little run or playtime with their favourite toys are key to a great stay and our friends happiness. Please let us know what your routine is a home and if there is anything special you would like for us to build in to your friends day. 

After 8:00 PM

Dinner Time & time to relax

After some exercise and perhaps a few moments to relax its time for Dinner for our friends. Whatever your routines or preference let us know for this as we want to cater fully for your friends needs, preferences and desires. So of our friends prefer to have a lay down before dinner and some after, we are flexible to meet their needs so please let us know. 

10:00 – 11:00 PM

Time for sleep

After a busy day of walks, cuddles and food its time for bed. Again is there a particular routine you and your friends have, if there is please let us know and we want your friend to feel that Avey Lane Boarding Kennels is a place they want to enjoy and come back to. A Home form Home for your Furry Four Legged Friend. Nite nite. 

Avey Lane Boarding Kennels - Waltham Abbey
Avey Lane Boarding Kennels, Avey Lane, Waltham Abbey, Essex, EN9 3QJ
01992 713 544
07563 528 474
Mon - Sat 9am-11am & 2pm-4pm, Sun: 10AM - 12am

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